
Axiom Reconstruction, Inc.

Motor Vehicle Crash Investigation, Analysis, and Reconstruction


Traffic Crash Investigation

DOcument and Preserve

Axiom Reconstruction's investigators can quickly preserve all crash related evidence in a robust and reliable manner. Using state of the art technology, our analysts can record all available evidence through cost-effective, time-saving methods that allow for further analysis and powerful exhibits at a later date, if needed.

Some of the key equipment and methods we use to capture this data include millimeter-accurate 3-D laser scanners, survey-grade aerial drones, robotic total stations, structure from motion, low-altitude/high-resolution orthomosaics, 360 degree and wide screen video, and good old-fashioned photography! These technologies allow for the most precise understanding of the totality of the evidence and allow us to capture this data quickly, accurately, and safely.

Traffic Crash Reconstruction

Giving the Evidence Meaning

Building upon the framework enabled through thorough scene examinations, vehicle inspections, and all available data analysis, Axiom’s Reconstructionists provide meaning to the data. We use a robust set of reliable methodologies to provide insight and context to the evidence. This can include speed determination, change in speed (“delta V”) and dynamics during the collision calculations, impact configuration, sequencing and timing analysis, causation/contributing factors analysis, and human factors analysis.

Event Data Recorder Downloads

“Black Box” Data

Modern vehicles are capable of recording a surprising amount of data potentially related to crashes. Axiom Reconstruction can access all available information in heavy trucks and passenger vehicles through the latest available technologies. Our Reconstructionists can access and interpret event data contained on airbag control modules, engine control modules, anti-lock braking system control units, safety control systems, infotainment units, and navigation systems. Contact us for details on your particular case to see what data may be available.

Animations/Exhibit Creation

Bringing the Evidence to Life

Our animation team can provide photo-realistic demonstratives of the reconstructed sequence or potential alternative scenarios through compelling animations and visualizations. Our animations demonstrate the laws of physics and reconstructed motion to provide accurate and reliable visualizations of crash sequences from multiple vantage points. These impactful exhibits offer credible visual evidence in recreating the accident to the highest degree of accuracy. Utilization of 3D laser scan data can allow for faster prototyping and cost effective visualizations without the need for full 3D model creation.

Industrial grade 3D laser prints using the latest technology allows for the creation of accurate physical models that can be shown, passed around, and used as demonstrative exhibits. Physical models of scenes and reconstructed sequences can also be made. Just let us know how you want to show the story and we can bring the facts of your case to life!